Exercício: Partilhar ficheiros do OneDrive


  1. Laboratório 05: Partilhar ficheiros do OneDrive
  2. Microsoft 365 user interface
  3. Lab Scenario
  4. Objectives
  5. Instructions
    1. Before you start
      1. Sign in to the lab environment
    2. Exercise 1: Share files within the organization.
    3. Exercise 2: Manage share files access

Laboratório 05: Partilhar ficheiros do OneDrive

Atenção: Os exercícios não estão escritos em português por norma todo o conteúdo criado pelo formador Ricardo Cabral é escrito em inglês utilizando a terminologia original.

Microsoft 365 user interface

Given the dynamic nature of Microsoft cloud tools, you might experience UI (User Interface) changes that occur after the development of this training content. As a result, the lab instructions and lab steps might not align correctly.

Cloud updates occur frequently, so you might encounter UI changes before this training content updates. If this occurs, adapt to the changes, and then work through them in the labs as needed.

Lab Scenario

Share files within the organization.


Share files within the organization.


Before you start

You must have access to a Microsoft 365 account with SharePoint Online.

Sign in to the lab environment

Use the credentials provider by the instructor.

Exercise 1: Share files within the organization.

  1. Go to office portal https://portal.office.com, and sign in to your work or school account.

  2. In the upper left corner of the window, select the app launcher App Launcher icon > All apps > OneDrive

    App Launcher All Apps

  3. Upload Documents folder from extracted sample course files.

  4. Select the folder and then select Share.

  5. At Send link click Anyone whit the link can edit
    1. Change to People in [organization name] with the link
    2. Then click Apply.

    Send LinK

  6. Select a classmate from the class.

  7. Enter a message defined by you.

  8. Click Send

Exercise 2: Manage share files access

  1. Select Documents folder.

  2. Click in options and select Manage Access

  3. Check the settings and change as desired.

  4. You can check the advanced options and verify that the security settings are from SharePoint.

    • Here you can define and create new permissions level


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Material e recursos complementares da formação ministrada por Ricardo Cabral.